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Tom Green Septet
Tom Green Septet
We are delighted to welcome Tom Green and his septet for an evening of Jazz.
Ocean Film Festival World Tour 2024
Ocean Film Festival World Tour 2024
Climb aboard for a night of ocean adventure! The Ocean Film Festival World Tour features a new collection...
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Latest Reviews
In August 2015
Testimonial for Bridge House By Shelley Lewis daughter of a reident Thelma Billington.From the moment mum arrived at Bridge House she was made welcome and her needs were carefully considered. She was encouraged to join in a wide range of activities from their weekly programme and as relatives we are kept informed of what is on offer by email. We are made to feel very welcome when we visit and enjoy spending time there with mum in their excellent facilities and joining in with some of her activities. Mum has been a lot happier since becoming a resident at Bridge House and continues to enjoy all that the home has to offer. The staff take an interest and pride in the residents’ personal care and ensure information is passed to the family when required. We are so pleased that when my father in law also needed a place we did not hesitate to ask if he could become a resident as well. My husband and I find the more we get to know the home the more certain we are that this is a lovely place to live.
In August 2015
After looking at a few care homes for my farther in law, we felt they were much of a likeness, until we looked around Bridge House it defiantly had the wow factor. At first we thought it was going to be out of our budget,but when we had a meeting with them and we found that compared to the others, there wasn't much of a difference. We are impressed with the staff especially the activity leader there is always some event or trip organised, they even have a caffe on site for residents and families to , even a cinema. We are so relived knowing he is well cared for and is doing so well.