Tomatoes are great for Your Health
31st October 2019
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If you’re not a fan of tomatoes, you’d better think again. Although some people argue they’re vegetables, tomatoes are technically fruits. Regardless, they have tons of health benefits. It’s good enough for you to know that this fruit is worth trying.

Great source of vitamins

When you’re looking for fruits that can give your body the required amounts of vitamins, tomatoes are perfect. One tomato is enough to give you up to 40% of your recommended vitamin C per day.

Protect your heart

Another benefit of taking tomatoes is that they can help protect your heart. Lycopene is present in tomatoes which is responsible for giving them a red colour. As you get older, you need to have more lycopene intake. The lycopene present in tomatoes is higher than in other fruits or vegetables out there. Therefore, if you have a slow metabolic rate and high blood pressure levels, you have to consider a daily intake of tomatoes. The same thing is true if you have diabetes and suffered from a stroke in the past.

Improved vision

Apart from lycopene, tomatoes also contain beta-carotene. Both substances are helpful in supporting your vision. When you suffer from vision problems or other eye conditions like cataracts, you need to eat more tomatoes.

Boost your digestive health

As you get older, your digestive system isn’t as effective in doing its job as it used to be. Tomatoes are rich in fibre and they will help prevent constipation. However, you need to be cautious since overcooked tomatoes can trigger increased acid levels, and result in acid reflux. It may also lead to indigestion.

Manage diabetes well

When you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s something that you will carry with you for the rest of your life. The best thing you can do is manage it. Regular tomato intake can help decrease radical fat in the body and eventually reduce the risks of a heart attack.

Boost skin health

You would love to look young despite your age. It starts by having good skin. Therefore, you need to have a regular intake of tomatoes. It helps give the skin protection against sun damage. It can also boost the production of collagen in the body which makes your skin firm and youthful looking. When cooked well, tomatoes can produce high concentrations of lycopene that can get easily absorbed into your bloodstream.

You can easily buy tomatoes in the local market. If you don’t want to use freshly picked tomatoes, or they’re not available in your region, you can consider sun-dried tomatoes. They have an extended shelf life. You can also use them any time you want. They might be slightly more expensive, but they’re just as effective as fresh tomatoes. You can also order them online. Check out for more details. Now that you understand the importance of regular tomato intake, you have to give them a try. Once you include them in your diet, you will feel great.

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Tom Clark

Member since: 26th November 2018

Having enriching experience in the world of digital marketing, I have created a niche for myself in the industry. The primary focus lies in writing, blogs, articles and different stuff that help businesses...

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