Desiccated Coconut Uses and Health Benefits
7th November 2019
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Coconut is a tropical product with a variety of uses. The coconut meat is processed to prolong shelf life and make the ingredient available anywhere in the world. Desiccated coconut comes from the mature coconut, shredded and dried to achieve the best consistency and moisture content. Desiccated coconut comes in various textures and cuts. From coarse flakes to fine coconut flour, you can choose the right product for your needs. For pasty and confectionary use, there are toasted and sweetened varieties. If you are looking for a substitute for fresh coconut, dried desiccated coconut is the best alternative.

Selection and storage

Desiccated coconut suppliers source their products from known coconut producers like the Philippines. If you want to ensure the quality of the product, check the supplier’s source. Since it is a common ingredient sold in supermarkets and speciality food shops, look for a product that is clean, slightly off-white, and does not contain any yellowish particles. Avoid any product that contains any dirt or contaminants.

When it comes to storage, desiccated coconut will last a long time. You can either keep it in your refrigerator or in an airtight container in the cupboard. A batch of desiccated coconut will typically last six months.

How to use desiccated coconut

There are many ways you can use desiccated coconut in cooking. It is a popular ingredient in sweet and savoury recipes. Not only does it impart a unique flavour, but it also adds texture. You can put it on baked goods like bread and cookies, or simply eat it as part of your morning cereal. If you love Asian cooking, desiccated coconut will come in handy. It is used in making soups, sambals, sauces, and curries.

Health benefits

In addition to the excellent taste, desiccated coconut also has many health benefits. Coconut is naturally rich in fibre, which is great if you are trying to lose weight. Fibre can be an excellent substitute for carbohydrates, and it makes you feel full for a lot longer. Moreover, the versatility of coconut allows you to experiment with different recipes, which makes it easier to naturally add coconut in your diet.

Coconut is also naturally high in minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Adding coconut to your diet helps strengthen your bones and promote tissue health. Apart from minerals, coconut has vitamins such as B1, B3, and B5. These vitamins are essential in cell regeneration and repair.

One of the many misconceptions about coconut is its high fat content. Contrary to earlier assumptions, the fat found in coconut does not have the same adverse effects as animal fat. The human body needs fat to function correctly; as such, coconut is a good source of dietary fat. It is essential, however, to consume only the recommended amount based on your dietary restrictions, health condition, and lifestyle.

In conclusion, desiccated coconut is a versatile, affordable, and delicious product you need to consider adding to your pantry. It is readily available in food shops, and it has many health benefits too.

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Tom Clark

Member since: 26th November 2018

Having enriching experience in the world of digital marketing, I have created a niche for myself in the industry. The primary focus lies in writing, blogs, articles and different stuff that help businesses...

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