6 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Dog Healthy
16th April 2019
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It literally pays to keep your dog healthy.

It’s not all about cost either. There’s little more distressing to a responsible pet owner than a sick and unhappy animal.

Clearly, it’s in the interest of both the owner and the animal to keep your dog in good shape. But how do you do it?

Keep reading to learn exactly how to keep your dog healthy and pesky vet costs down!

How To Know Your Dog is Healthy

The first step to keeping your dog(s) healthy is knowing what it looks like.

Unfortunately, you can’t just ask your animal what’s wrong. Well, you could. But you’re unlikely to get more than a face lick in response. Thankfully, you can learn a lot from looking at their physical condition.

Here are 4 signs of healthy dogs to be aware of. However, this isn’t an exhaustive list. Be sure to see a vet if you’re at all unsure about the health of your pet.

Bright, Shiny Eyes

It’s normal for your dogs to have tears in their eyes. However, it should be predominantly clear and there shouldn’t be very much of it. Be wary of mucus-covered, inflamed, and excessively watery eyes.

Normal Temperature

A dog, like humans, has a standard healthy temperature. The canine standard I between 101 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures outside this level is a sure fire sign of ill health.

Use a rectal thermometer to take the reading. Here’s how to do it.

Appropriate Weight

A dog that gets enough exercise and eats well, but that remains under or overweight, may have a problem with their health. Being overweight is particularly bad. Can you feel the ribs without too much trouble? It’s a good sign if so.

Healthy Urine and Stool

A dodgy stool is one clear sign of poor health in your dog. The same is true for urine though. Keep an eye out. Be wary of loose, bloody and watery stool. Urine should be a clear yellow color.

How to Keep Your Dog Healthy in 6 Steps

Now let’s consider how to make those healthy signs appear. Check out these 6 steps to better dog health.

1. Be Aware of Warning Signs

We’ve already noted the importance of warning signs.

Hopefully, you have a better idea of what to look out for now! It’s worth re-emphasizing though. Be sure to keep an eye out for potential health problems. You know your dog better than anyone.

Notice something amiss?

Play it safe and get to the vet. Oh, and be sure to get their vaccinations done at the right times. Your vet will let you know what needs to happen.

2. Regularly Exercise and Socialize

All dogs need regular exercise. Some breeds need more than others!

It’s essential for maintaining the health of your pet. A lack of exercise can lead to animals getting overweight. Walk your animal every day, play with them inside and outside, and let them into the garden to let off some steam.

Similarly, walks are a great way to improve the social life of your dog. They may spend most of their time alone. But remember, dogs are pack animals. They want to meet and play with their friends!

As a quick aside, did you know that dogs can get anxiety?

Any level of mistreatment and abuse has the potential to cause dog anxiety. Appropriate care, such as letting them interact with other dogs and exercising them regularly, go a long way to preventing the problem.

3. Feed them a Proper Diet

Diet goes hand in hand with exercise.

Be sure to feed your dog high-quality, nutritious pet food that’s appropriate for their breed. And don’t go overboard! Too much is sometimes as bad as too little.

Keep an eye on how their stomach reacts to the meals too. Some dogs may be intolerant to certain ingredients. Speak to your vet if you’re unsure.

Finally, be wary of human foods. Some foodstuffs, such as chocolate, can be toxic to dogs in high quantities.

4. Keep them Well-Hydrated

Like humans, dogs need to stay hydrated to maintain good health.

Most dogs will drink anything (toilet water seems to be a particular favorite...). However, keep a constant supply of clean, fresh water available. Change it when it gets too old.

Remember to clean their water bowl too! It’ll be a hotbed of germs and bacteria. Wash, rinse and dry, then refill.

5. Look After their Oral Health

The oral hygiene of your dog is actually another warning sign of poor health.

Their teeth, gums, and tongue should all be in good working order! Dog-breath is never nice. However, it can also indicate a lead up of plaque and tartar. These can cause serious health issues.

Get into a habit of caring for your dog’s teeth! You may never have thought about brushing their teeth. But it’s a thing! Dental treats and oral rinses are other ways to combat the issue. Pro cleaning from the vet may be called for too.

6. Supply Appropriate Shelter

Last but not least is the need for appropriate shelter.

Now, most pets may be allowed indoors. But dogs will commonly be left outside overnight too. In those situations, their health will benefit from proper bedding. A warm and dry dog house will help keep them comfortable and well throughout the night time.

Equally, a lack of shelter can be considered negligence in some situations.

Time to Wrap Up

There you have it: how to keep your dog healthy in 6 steps.

Dogs are a man’s best friend for a reason. They’re lovable rogues who will love you as much as you love them. But they aren’t cheap! And poor health can very quickly make them exceptionally expensive members of the family.

Hopefully, the information here will help keep your dog (and finances) nice and healthy.

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About the Author

Tom Clark

Member since: 26th November 2018

Having enriching experience in the world of digital marketing, I have created a niche for myself in the industry. The primary focus lies in writing, blogs, articles and different stuff that help businesses...

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