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There Goes the Bride
  • Bayston Hill Memorial Hall
    Lyth Hill Road
    Bayston Hill
    SY3 0DR
Bayston Hill Amateur Drama Group proudly perform a comedy by Ray Cooney & John Chapman

Save the date for the wedding of the year!

Tim and Ursula Westerby have put everything into the wedding of their darling daughter Judy and the big day has finally arrived, but can it go without a hitch? 

The Westerby household is brimming with excitement and last-minute alterations for the wedding are in full swing, but when a stressed Timothy has a bump on the head and his imagined 1920s dream flapper girl appears, chaos descends on the happy day.

With a mother of the bride in despair, a dithering grandfather causing endless confusion, an angry father-in-law from Australia on the warpath and Judy's father doing the Charleston with a kitten named Polly, will there even be a wedding at the end of the day? 

You are cordially invited to join us for an evening of mayhem and hilarity in this brilliant farcical comedy, There Goes the Bride.

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