Chiropractors in Shrewsbury

Chiropractors in Shrewsbury

Take care of your body and wellbeing with some of the best chiropractors in Shrewsbury. All our registered chiropractors offer the highest level of healthcare and help to reduce everyday pain, injuries and illness.

Chiropractors in Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury Chiropractic Clinic
Celebrating 10 years in Shrewsbury, practitioner Jon Sharp at Shrewsbury Chiropractic Clinic continues to offer the highest level of healthcare for back pain, sciatica, neck pain, headaches,sports injuries and other musculoskeletal complaints. For the leading choice in chiropractic, call (01743) 231600 today for your FREE spinal check.
Vicky Barnes said
I was dubious and nervous before my first appointment. I thought my lower back niggles would just be part of my life. I’m so grateful to Jon for being clear, straight talking, realistic and honest. After 3 sessions I have zero niggles for the first time in many years. It’s so reassuring to know I have a plan in place if I do need any more help in the future. Thank you Jon.
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