Your Events...
There's a lot going on in Richmond, and if it's future events you're looking for, you've come to the right place. From the rugby match at Twickenham to cricket on the Richmond Green, you'll never miss another game. If, instead, you'd prefer a bit of culture, you might want to catch the Museum of Richmond's new exhibit or the latest show at the Orange Tree. Whatever your taste, we'll keep you well informed. If it's happening in Richmond, this is where you'll hear about it first.
Arts and Crafts Events
Particle Zoo
Sandra Beccarelli moves into Richmond Gallery for month-long exhibition in progress View event
Meditations and Repetitions
A joint exhibition by Doris Ernst and Buffy Kimm View event
Chromatic Journey
  • Tuesday 18th June, 12:00pm - Until Sunday 30th June, 6:00pm
A solo exhibition by London artist Jennifer Talbot View event
Possible Impossibilities
  • Tuesday 18th June, 12:00pm - Until Sunday 30th June, 6:00pm
A joint exhibition by Hanna ten Doornkaat and Shiba Huizer View event