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Many people make the assumption that you take singing lessons because you want to be famous. In most situations this certainly is not the case. There are a number of reasons why people choose to have vocal coaching / singing lessons. Here are just five reasons that don’t necessarily relate to improving knowledge or abilities with music.
If you would really love for your child/children to have lessons but are unsure of any of the other costs, other than the lessons, here is what you need to know.
It is well established that music lessons provide more to a child than simply being able to play a musical instrument.
Have you ever wanted to learn an instrument or would you like your child to benefit from learning? Well, here’s your handy guide to all that you need to know.
A young piano player got nearly full marks in her first musical exam at just seven years old. Ahana Hegde, of North Harrow, scored 99 out of 100 on her grade one piano theory exam to the delight of her music teacher.
10 reasons to get fit or go to boxercise
Drop a dress with Boxercise
Drop a dress with Boxercise
Lose weight with boxercise
Choosing an event that engages your audience and provides your sponsor with access to his prospective customers. By knowing your audience and their interests you can arrange a virtual event to meet their needs and please your sponsor.
Plan your event to decide what you want to say, how it wil be paid for,who will create content, how will you promote and if needs be who will sponsor it. Allow yourself 12 weeks to plan, create and promote which leaves time to review.
The ability to host a virtual event has become easier to do and considering the present financial climate, a cost saving experience but with worldwide possibilities. Reducing travel costs, being recordable and easily produced quickly.
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