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Hitler and Stalin are two of the most repugnant figures in history, but studying them can be a useful business model. It's no simple act of chance that Hitler committed suicide in his bunker with his ambitions in ruins and Stalin died of a stroke at his de
Decline and fall
Decline and fall
In the last five thousand years or so, human history has seen many great empires, and every single one of them has fallen. There must be a lesson to be learned here about large organizations controlled by an elite - they carry the seeds of their own destru
The Elusive Customer
The Elusive Customer
So, you have obtained all the qualifications, got the premises sorted, done a few adverts and got yourself involved in a few networking events. Just one thing missing: the customer. Just when will that first elusive customer walk through your door? Even wh
Hooray For The Grid!
Hooray For The Grid!
If you want to grow your business, don't waste your capital on untargeted advertising! A far more effective way is word-of-mouth and networking with other businesses, as this post will show.I'm very happy to anounce that I've found a new home for my Hypnot
The second skill that marks out those people who progress in careers compared to those who get stuck is communication. Sometimes people who are clearly intelligent, articulate and can put together a coherent argument are told their communication skills
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