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Oakham Festival got off to a wet start last Saturday when I had a stall in Mill Street... It was a shame, as many stallholders packed up at lunchtime when the showers hit, and I was then left stranded with no neighbours so unable to get to a loo or a dri
Blowy Day at Castle Bytham ... I took a stall at Castle Bytham Midsummer Fair, an event I usually attend with mixed fortunes, although it's a very enjoyable and well organised day. This year of course, it was extremely windy. After failing with my gaz
Carry a Bag Scheme to start in RutlandRutland Traders are united in their support for the 'Carry-a-bag scheme' which hopes to banish disposable plastic carrier bags by using reusable Rutland bags. Researchers will be out in force in Oakham this week, from
Rutland's Hospital - the future is in your hands. Rutland's got four months to help shape the future of the Rutland Memorial Hospital, a facility which I have heard was given to Rutland by grateful American servicement after the war, but I'm not sure
Evo's New Shop
Evo's New Shop
Children's Cool Clothing shop Moves To St Paul's Street Pauline Hindmarch, the owner of Evo, has been able to extend her range of children's clothes to include newborns and babies now that she's moved to a ground floor shop in St Paul's Street. Evo was o
Brew up for Charity Marie Curie Cancer Care are hoping that people around the Stamford area will support its 'Blooming Great Tea Parties' fund raiser this summer between June 12th to July 12th. Supporters are asked to hold a tea party between these dates
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