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Shopping News & Updates

Bag a car boot bargain!
Bag a car boot bargain!
Looking for a bargain or piece of treasure and want to know where you can find car boot sales in Cambridgeshire or even antique fairs in Cambridgeshire for that matter, then take a look through our list. Please keep an eye on it because we plan to keep it updated!
I always dread January. Dark often cold and skint...So we need to stay cheerful. Some tips that help me here.
This is year, the Sudbury Christmas Window Display competition has been a huge success, with both record numbers of shops taking part and the public voting
Charity parking partnership aims to take the strain out of Christmas shopping.
If you get crafty you can find unique and budget friendly Christmas gifts in Haverhill this festive season.
How many of us get into a complete panic at the mere thought of tackling the Christmas Shopping list? Read on for regular gift ideas you can purchase now.. bit by bit to take away the panic.
In St Neots - Stuck for a present for someone special? Run out of time or ideas.. Have a look at Gift Vouchers for Christmas, birthdays and presents from the best of St Neots businesses....Food, shopping, health & beauty, cars etc... Something for everyone with plenty to choose from!
Norwich Fashion Week has been celebrated as a spectacular event and presented with a silver PRide Award at the annual Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) event for the Anglia, Thames and Chiltern region.
With the 5p charge on plastic bags coming out this week, what can you do to avoid it.
Caring for your Clothes
Caring for your Clothes
Here we aim to publish some good ideas on how to look after your clothes. TIP1
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