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Home and Family News & Updates

Now that winter is a distant memory and spring is underway it is a good to take a look at the decorations to see what is due for a change. As we have a respite before the summer begins it is a good time consider the at home décor. Is the old place looking shabby? A little worse for wear? A lick of paint could be in order.
The spring time has arrived and flowers that you planted last year or the year before are starting to grow again, along with the weeds which are also starting to fight for the light and crowd over the once tidy and pretty flower beds.
Entertaining children during the Easter break can be stressful, so here are a few ideas to help keep them entertained.
Are you looking to give your bathroom a fresh new makeover?
Trading Standards have a website where you can check for products that need a recall. Some of them we don't even get to hear about and could affect all sorts of products.
From April 2016 the new State Pension will be based on the National Insurance payment record of each person.
Bag a car boot bargain!
Bag a car boot bargain!
Looking for a bargain or piece of treasure and want to know where you can find car boot sales in Cambridgeshire or even antique fairs in Cambridgeshire for that matter, then take a look through our list. Please keep an eye on it because we plan to keep it updated!
Freshwater bathrooms have adopted the new trend and popular style bathroom colour scheme: GREY! It has been noticed that there is a growing desire for a grey bathroom across the UK!
The Law on Pensions in England and Wales, The Pensions Act 2008, was amended in the Pensions Act 2011 and is now being implemented. For smaller employers the impact was delayed until 2015. It is timely to suggest that all members and non-members take a look at the legislation and or seek professional advice on this issue.
Potential trends for 2016
Potential trends for 2016
Happy New Year! 2016 is upon us and with it a new year to celebrate and for many of us, make a fresh start! So what are going to be the new trends we can all expect for 2016?
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