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Your community hub for thebestof everything local.


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Bromsgrove Weekly Meeting

Local and switched on business owners meet in Bromsrove almost every week to make new contacts and learn business growth and marketing techniques.

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February 8th 2014 is the day to Discover Homeopathy!

If you have ever wondered whether there is a safe, non-toxic way to treat everyday ailments for the whole family, this two hour workshop will provide you with a great introduction to the way homeopathy can help with a wide range of everyday illnesses and will give you the confidence to incorporate homeopathic remedies into your home first aid kit.

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7 Top Tips for Connecting your Mind & Body

How often do you get to the end of the day and you have a headache; tension everywhere? When was the last time you really did listen to your body’s inner messages? How do the External Stressors & Internal Stressors affect your everyday life?

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Tips for connecting your mind and body

How often do you get to the end of the day and you have a headache; tension everywhere; you have forgotten to eat; not had enough fluid; even left emptying your bladder until you are desperate (ugh!)…..? OK so the connection with your mind & body just has just not been happening – why? Yes I am going to bang on about Mindfulness but come on don’t you owe it to that wonderful machine that carts you round all day to STOP and smell the roses?

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Businesses of the Week - Click here to view more »

The Stress Medic

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Yvonne was very professional, knowledgeable and fast working and helped me within a few minutes with a new breathing technique. Thank you.

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Wellbeing at The Wishing Well

Based in the centre of Bromsgrove, we are a holistic health centre, comprising seven therapy rooms, a yoga studio and a workshop space, all centred around our peaceful Wellbeing Cafe. The cafe is open to all, whether using the centre or not - and the therapies on offer range from Homeopathy, Reiki and Hypnotherapy to Physiotherapy and Counselling. Please give us a call, or pop in to find out more...

First visit to this haven of tranquillity. Friendly and thoughtful staff and an array of treatments and therapies available. Highly recommend!

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