Calling all talented young deaf artists out there
23rd October 2015
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We are looking for UK based deaf youngsters aged 11 – 16 years old to create a poster for Young Deaffest 2016.

What is Young Deaffest?

Young Deaffest is an annual event which takes place at Deaffest, the UK’s leading Deaf-led film and arts festival. Young Deaffest offers opportunities to young deaf people, which include participating in workshops, watching films made by young deaf filmmakers, engaging in the Deaf film and arts culture and being inspired by successful deaf role models!

We want you to use your imagination to create an eye catching, creative poster to help promote Young Deaffest. We welcome any media (hand drawn / painted, photography and graphic design).

The winner will receive an Amazon voucher worth £50 and we will publicise the winning poster on our website/social media both before and during the festival. There will be runner up places too!

Just a few rules before you start creating your poster:

  • Size of poster should be A4 (it can be portrait or landscape).
  • Your poster must include the words ‘Young Deaffest 2016’.
  • We would like to see your imagination so you must create the poster yourself.

All entries must be received by Wednesday 16th December 2015. Download your Young Deaffest 2016 Poster Competition entry form.

Want to share this competition with your contacts? Download our poster!

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