Seaton Delaval Hall
Seaton Delaval Hall
  • The Avenue,
    Seaton Sluice,
    Whitley Bay
    NE26 4QP
Once the home of the Delaval Family, this 18th Century Vanbrugh House has been given a second chance to tell it's 900 year story. Acquired by the National Trust in December 2009.A visit to Seaton Delaval allows you to see first hand how a great fire destroyed the Central Hall and how other parts of the Hall managed to escape its devasting effects. There is also a wonderful opportunity to exploret the now deserted cellars, the beautiful gardens and Stable Block - and of course, the Hall's larger estate.As this is a new acquisition for the Trust - there will be some building work and access restrictions to the Hall and grounds - although the Trust welcomes all visitors. For information on guided tours and opening times, visit:
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