Breakfast Pancake Recipe
7th March 2011
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Scrumptious Breakfast Pancake Recipe

25g Plain Wholemeal flour
25g Medium Oatmeal
salt and pepper
4 eggs, beaten
250ml fresh milk
butter for frying
100g back bacon, grilled and chopped
2 tomatoes, sliced and grilled

Put the flour, oatmeal, salt and 15ml (1tbsp) egg into a bowl.  Gradually add 15ml milk to form a smooth batter.

Heat a little butter in a frying pan.  When hot, pour in 45ml tbsp of the batter tilting pan to cover the base.  Cook until pancake moves freely, toss your pancake and cook until golden.  Make 4 pancakes.

Beat together the remaining eggs, milk and salt and pepper.  Scramble in a small saucepan over a gently heat, stirring until the egg starts to set.

Place spoonfuls of the egg into the pancakes, add the bacon and tomato slices.  Fold the pancakes over.  Serve warm as a snack or for breakfast.

If you have a favourite recipe to share we would love to hear from you!

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Steve R

Member since: 9th July 2012

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