Chakra Enlightenment Festival
  • Wootton Park, Henley-in-Arden Wootton Wawen B95 6HJ
    B95 6HJ
  • Saturday 11th May, 10:00am - Until Tuesday 11th June, 6:00pm
This is the perfect place to know everything about your Chakras - whether you are a beginner or have some knowledge about chakras. A full-day retreat will help you understand what chakras are, why, and how to balance them with colors, food, yoga asanas, Mantras, affirmations, and more!

What to expect at the festival:

  1. Introduction and cheat sheet to understanding Chakras
  2. Yoga for all fitness levels
  3. Mantra meditation
  4. Mudras and breathwork
  5. Elements of Nature - Earth, Fire, Water, Air
    a. Earthing/Grounding technique
    b. Water Manifestation - Ritual by the water
    c. Sky Gazing
    d. Ecstatic Dance by the fire pit
  6. Intention jar workshop with crystals and herbs
  7. Create your personal affirmations
  8. Sound bath
  9. Chakra foods - Lunch included along with Tea/Coffee and Cakes

Special Venue:

This amazing event is happening at a Wootton Park Yurt, surrounded by 360 acres of beautiful countryside. The perfect location to enjoy and take-away the good vibes of the day.

The Festival ends with ecstatic dance around the firepit.

Social Interaction
* thebestof cannot be held responsible for any changes, amends or cancellations of an event