Wind,Rain and Flying Pots
7th February 2014
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By now you must be fed up with all this rain and wind, on a personal note I'm learning to swim or it feels like that, not be able to get out on the land to do much work this weather but enough of that, I've been thinking, many people have pots planted up with daffodils etc. if they haven't been blow away or knocked over there is a problem most people wont think about. The problem as I see it, is water collecting on the top of the pots, this could rot the bulbs. One way around this is to put small amounts of pea shingle on top of the soil, you only need a small amount to cover but not stop the bulbs growing through. If you have any small fruit trees or med to large bushes now is the time to prune back to a good bud. Cutting out any branches which are crossing over each other. you don't want the branches rubbing each other in the high winds. on larger trees i.e. apple or pear prune back to about six buds, this allows ample growth. I know its very frustrating not being able to get thing done but you really should not walk on the grass or beds as this can lead to damage to the grass and soil. One big job you can do, is check your fencing for any damage caused by the wind etc. With this bad weather you just cant get out into the garden but there's still a few jobs that can be done and save you some time later on, clean inside of greenhouse , glass and pots you are not using at this time, give them a good wash as any soil etc. left in side could lead to decease to any future planting. If you do venture out do take care what ever jobs you under take. Its times like this I wish I were an armchair gardener, A cupper in one hand, a garden seed catalogue in the other and a warming fire in the grate. Things can only get better.................

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