Is January really the right month?
20th January 2014
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Is January really the right month to start a fresh? I'm hearing about the month of January being the month to grow, diet, start new projects, but really is this the best month to do all this? What do you think? I never want to start anything in January I'd rather wait until February or even March. Think about it, you've just had a lot of time off from work, the Christmas and New Year holidays; you've been away from your everyday routine, there's the extra bills to pay this month for daring to enjoy last month, you've still got a cupboard/fridge/freezer full of perfectly good food, everyone is playing catch up from having time off so have they the time to check out what your new project is all about? Once all the lights and decorations come down January is a very dark, cold month. It is the start of the New Year so everyone seems to feel it should be fresh start, do something new but No January is not the right month to do all the above. It is the right month to start planning to do the above. Let's take dieting as an example, you know you want to, you know you need to, but Dec is a month where by you always eat and drink more, also you are more relax when enjoying your time off, your mind and body is in holiday mood, and believe me saying to it its January is not going to change a thing. There's all the food left over perfectly good food are you really going to tell me you'd waste it, when the credit bill is dropping on the floor. Now is the time to reuse not waste things. So if you want to diet start in February or even March, your finances should be better, the weathers a bit warmer, and all the Christmas cake/ chocolates/pubbing are gone. From running slimming clubs I know, January we use to have lots join, always good intentions but not many stick at it, but the ones that came through the doors in February and March did better, they had no guilt about eating up the Christmas food, no guilt about wasting money throwing away perfectly good food and were in the right mind set to make it work, they spent January planning how they would start their diets in February or March and work on it through the year. It's the same with your work or business. If you worked all through Dec then yes maybe now is the time to start a new project or see growth. The thing is 99% of us didn't, we took the time off and so planning for growth and starting new projects need that extra time spent on it, time you used enjoying yourself, which was great, because another thing that helps with diets, building a business, seeing through new projects, is knowing when to work and when to have me time. Use January as the month to re-start your planning action, plan how you are going to kick start whatever it is you want to do, grow your business, start a new project, or lost weight, plan it now to start it off in February there more chance you will succeed.

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