Back pain in Telford, Shropshire?
14th May 2015
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Did you know that back pain affects up to 80% of the population at some point in their lives?

The severity, exact position and chronicity vary considerably from one person to the next. Problems to the lower back and pelvis can often refer pains in to the buttock and leg areas, sometimes also with tingling or numbness (neurological symptoms).

As Chiropractors, we see patients of all ages and backgrounds, who have been suffering for a few hours through to many years. We always go through your full medical history, examination of the joints, muscles and nerves in order to determine the underlying cause. We fully explain the cause, and offer appropriate treatment and advice. We are happy to refer you to a more appropriate specialist if we believe this is the most suitable way forward. 

If we feel that you will respond well to treatment, your plan of management may well include joint manipulation or mobilisations, soft tissue work (massage and acupuncture), dietary and lifestyle advice. This is individually tailored to suit your individual needs.

Call us at Back to Health on 07541 419662

or read our feature on the best of Telford

About the Author

Hayley W

Member since: 8th April 2013

Chiropractor with over 11 years experience, working from Telford and Eccleshall.
We provide what we believe to be the best quality of care, and do so with the most reasonable of cost. We believe Chiropractic...

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