News & Updates
Community News & Updates

Take a look at how we are supporting great local businesses in Sutton Coldfield!
As Purveyors of the time-honoured British tradition of Afternoon Tea, June will be a busy month for us - as it’s the month of Her Madge’s Second 90th Birthday. If you’re looking for a fun and easy way to join in the festivities, here are our 5 tips:
Our Place Mentoring Scheme has received £1620 thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Local Best of Sutton Coldfield Businesses are getting into the Christmas Spirit early this year..
The media seem keen talk about this ‘frightening new phenomenon’ of child on parent violence at the moment. Our Place parenting expert Dawn Latham explains what support is really needed.
As the instances of mental ill health rise amongst our children the necessary services become more and more challenging to access.
A local business is working with the community to help them achieve a more healthy lifestyle...
Can you 'Lent' a hand?
Can you 'Lent' a hand?
The Best of Sutton Coldfield are happy to 'Lent' a hand this Easter!
Job Club runs Monday - Thursday from 9.30am - 2.30pm at Our Place Community Hub, Farthing Lane. Everyone is welcome to drop in, but it's best to make an appointment if you would like help with your CV. Barry Connolly and Mike Doherty are committed to helping local people in Sutton Coldfield get back into work, by offering a relaxed, friendly atmosphere and providing that much needed boost in confidence.
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