TK Maxx urges shoppers to Give Up Clothes for Good in aid of Cancer Research UK
26th March 2012
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According to experts, we only wear 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time! With this in mind, TK Maxx at Mell Square Shopping Centre is asking Solihull shoppers to give their cupboards a clear out in support of Cancer Research UK, as part of the retailer’s nationwide campaign Give Up Clothes For Good.


From 1st to 30th April, the store will be accepting donations of clothing, shoes, accessories, CDs, DVDs, books and homeware which will then be given to the Solihull branch of Cancer Research UK.  Each donated bag could be worth up to £30 for the charity, which is dedicated to saving lives through increased research.


Shoppers simply have to bag up their quality unwanted items and bring them into TK Maxx. All who donate will also be given the choice to enter a prize draw to win £1,000 – enough to buy a whole new wardrobe!


TK Maxx Fundraising Manager, Alexis Hazlewood said: “Cancer is something that affects everybody in some way or another and TK Maxx this year wants to collectively raise £2.5 million for the charity. What better excuse for shoppers to clear out their wardrobes to make space for new additions and help make a difference to millions of people worldwide."


Mell Square Centre Manager, Paul Round commented: “This is a fantastic campaign from TK Maxx - now is the perfect time to spring clean your home and clear out any unwanted clothes and items that might be lying around the house - whilst helping a very worthwhile charity!”


For more information on the fashion offering and charity fundraisers at Mell Square visit:

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