Salop Leisure enjoys hat-trick in Mayor's awards
28th June 2010
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Leading caravan dealership Salop Leisure celebrated a hat-trick of success in the recent Mayor of Shrewsbury's Awards.
The company, which has its HQ at Emstrey, won a gold business award in recognition of outstanding contribution to the community.
Further success came when long-serving receptionist Jean Courtney won a bronze award in recognition of her achievements towards enhancing the social wellbeing of the area.
In addition, florist Alysanne's, which now has a retail outlet at Salop Leisure's headquarters, received a bronze award in the business section in recognition of her business initiative and contribution to the community.
Salop Leisure has been based in Shrewsbury for 45 years, originally at Meole Brace before moving to a purpose-built sales centre at Emstrey in 2006. Throughout its history, the company has invested in business expansion and people development, currently employing 140 staff.
Mrs Courtney has been the welcoming voice of Salop Leisure for 35 years. For the past 11 years, she has co-ordinated a Christmas Shoebox Appeal for the Samaritans Purse Appeal. Her prime motivation is to put a smile on children's faces at Christmas and to let them know that they are not forgotten.
Salop Leisure's chairman Tony Bywater said he was delighted with the triple success in the awards. "I think the awards are fantastic for Shrewsbury. It was great to see so many people, who work so hard for charity without seeking any glory, receiving some recognition.
"As a company, we feel that the awards are going to be even more successful next year and we are delighted that the town council is going to continue supporting them."
For more information, please contact Mr Tony Bywater, Salop Leisure chairman, on 01743 282400.

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Emma R

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