Payday loans now being offered to businesses
21st May 2012
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Tim Corfield of Licensed Insolvency Practitioners Griffin & King talks wonga....


Payday Loan Company ‘Wonga’ are now making loans available to businesses. 


Wonga are one of the leading companies in the payday loan market which is now estimated to be worth £1.7 billion. This market has expanded fivefold in recent years. 


The interest rate charges for these payday loans are anything up to 4000%.


Business borrowing over a year

The scheme to business is to offer loans up to £10,000 at a rate of up to 2% per week – this sounds modest at first glace but compounds to 280% per annum. To borrow £10,000 on these terms for 12 months would costs nearly £11,000 in charges. Not quite as much as 4000% but still expensive! 


Wonga advertise that a decision can be made in minutes based on online information. As with payday loans, the high interest rates charge will pay for the defaulting customers. 


It is difficult to imagine what such small loans would be used for, for a short period of time. A spokesman for Wonga said it expect firms to borrow for 16 weeks or less with many using the finance to cover customers paying late or machinery breaking down. 


Loans will only be made available to businesses that have been trading for more than three years, turnover more than £20,000 per month, are registered for VAT and personal guarantees are provided by the directors, if the business is a limited company.


A spokesperson for Lloyds TSB said, “One concern we have is that if a firm needs finance this urgently it could be a real sign that there are serious problems. If so then taking this option could lead to business owners digging themselves into a bigger whole.”


Tim Corfield says, “I would agree with the spokesperson from Lloyds TSB. If anyone is considering this route, please take advice before committing yourself. How far is a loan of £10,000 to a business turning over £20,000 per month going to go? Especially if it may cost £21,000 to repay it!”


This entry into the market comes as figures show lending to businesses from banks is down by 3% a year.


For further information, contact Tim Corfield of Griffin & King on 01922 722205.


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Emma R

Member since: 10th July 2012

My husband and I run thebestof Shrewsbury. We have over 40 years' combined marketing experience (scary) to help businesses grow. Thebestof Shrewsbury promotes local businesses through our high-traffic...

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