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Festivals are a fantastic way to bring people together. Whether we are talking about music, film or food festivals, they all have this amazing power to bring a wide variety of people together under one collective interest. The summer is always packed full of great festivals to attend but there is one in particular you should be paying extra close attention to…
I am as excited for summer as anyone, I mean, who isn’t looking forward to enjoy warm and sunny weather for a change!? There is one minor problem – this is a British summer we are talking about and it is about as reliable as the local bus service. But don’t worry; I have you covered for when the weather refuses to make us happy!
I’m just going to cut straight to the chase with this blog; there is somewhere that you NEED to be this weekend starting with Saturday 17th May. Drop your plans; get the kids and head down to Eccles for an extremely special event – Celebrating Eccles 2014!
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