Pitt Rivers Museum
Pitt Rivers Museum
  • Oxford University Museum of National History, Parks Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire
    OX1 3PP
Famous for its outstanding collections from cultures around the world and for its unique period atmosphere, the Pitt Rivers Museum is housed within Oxford University's Museum of Natural History. The eclectic collection includes unique exhibits of anthropological and archaeological interest and is one of Oxford's main tourist attractions.

All museums have to start somewhere and the Pitt Rivers Museum began when Lieutenant-General Augustus Henry Lane Fox Pitt Rivers gave a collection of around 20,000 objects to the University of Oxford in 1884. Since then many more objects have been given to the Museum by different people and there are now over a quarter of a million objects, many of them on public display. However, the founding collection still forms about a tenth of today's entire collection and when you look in any case in the Museum you will always find some objects from this collection.

Admission free - Groups must pre-book

Opening Hours

10.00 - 16.30 Tuesday to Sunday 
(and bank holiday Mondays)
12.00 - 16.30 Monday.

Social Interaction