Capture your family history on film for future generations.
27th April 2011
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Wouldn't it be lovely to capture your family memories - capture on film your parents, grandparents or that special person, talking about their younger days. We never usually think to grab a video camera and capture some of those golden nugget stories that they regale to the grand kids, and probably you when you were little.

A DVD can be a keep sake which will form part of your family history and be a wonderful way of remembering loved ones for years and years to come.

Imagine what it would be like to find an old film of your great, great, great granddad talking about what life was like.

OPL Prodcutions in Norwich have created a film package to do exactly that - capture the memories of your family in glorious high definition for the generations to come to enjoy. Why not also get the grand kids on film while your at it.

And all this starting from just £249. (Special offer for first few customers only)

What you get:

• They will talk you through a DVD scope, helping to make sure we make best use of the time we film. This is usually based around some major life events.

• They will look at old pictures, clips from around the house/area and Cine Reel to decide what would be best to include.

• They will arrange a date to come and film with our High Definition cameras with (here comes the techy bit) a depth of field adapter to get the very best from the interview and any shots. This makes the video highly polished and look like the TV interviews you often see.

• They will then edit the video into an interesting DVD with cutways (from pictures, clips, Cine Reel).

 Additional services

• They  can also offer a beautiful engraved wooden DVD case with a photo of your choosing.

• If you wish, all the unedited interview footage can be put on a disk for you to keep.

Although this is a new product, if you’d like to see their previously work please check out our latest videos here. 

About the Author

Chris and Sara G

Member since: 10th July 2012

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