Here's a 'Checklist' To Get Things Done Around The House
15th April 2020
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At the risk of upsetting a few partners, here's a checklist of jobs that you've been 'meaning to do' but (for no doubt very good reason!), haven't quite got around to.

Well, just in case you've got a bit more time available at the moment (??!), this might help.

But if not, why not get a professional recommended tradesperson to come and do it for you?

We can highly recommend 4 on the bestof Market Harborough, (listed below) depending on what skill you're looking for.

Remember whilst many trades are in lockdown, they are still available to get a quote by phone or email...

We have put together a checklist that you might find useful, see and download it here.

Need professional help with some jobs from highly skilled local tradesmen?

All DIY/handyman work:   Steve at 'HIRE A HUBBY' - 07837 593794

Lofts/Carpentry/Handyman - Conrad at 'GET IN YOUR LOFT'- 07966 277505

Gutters/Fascias/Soffits Cleaning - James at 'JAVA CLEANING SERVICES' - 07845 086090

Carpet Fitters - Gareth at 'BLACKBERRY HILL CARPETS' - 07730 680770

When calling, just say, 'The Bestof Market Harborough Recommended You'!

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