Donating Unused Medicines for Africa
14th September 2012
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We recently found ourselves with bags full of unused medical supplies and medicines, after we moved an elderly relative into a care home.

I wondered what to do with them - it seemed wasteful to just throw them away, and if we returned them to the pharmacy they would be incinerated.

I hate throwing anything away that might be used or recycled, so I did a bit of research and found a charity called InterCare - They recycle unused items like ours and send them out to Africa to be re-used. 

I've since found out that the Wycliffe Medical Practice in Lutterworth act as collecting agents on behalf of Intercare, so it's that easy! If you have anything that matches the items in this list then just drop them into the Wycliffe Practice at the health centre on Gilmorton Road.  


About the Author

Carol M

Member since: 10th July 2012

Shy retiring (!) red-head, working hard to showcase everything great about our town and villages. Loves her son, her man & Bruce Springsteen (but not always in that order!)

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