  • Multi-storey car park, Castle Dyke, Lichfield, Staffordshire,
    WS13 6HR
Hire venue for disability scooters in centre of Lichfield.

Monday - Saturday 9am until 4.15pm but booking is essential 24 hours in advance.  If you have a mobility problem, and find it difficult to navigate freely around Lichfield city centre, Shopmobility may be able to help you. Lichfield Shopmobility offers anyone with a mobility problem a place to park, and the use of a motorised mobility scooter or wheelchair for the day.  Parking is free for users provided your valid Blue Badge is correctly displayed. The service is free, although all donations are welcome and are used to help buy and maintain equipment. It is based at the multi storey car park, which is off Birmingham Road and Frog Lane in Lichfield.

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