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Annoyances and Irritations News & Updates

One that is little known but saves a lot of time is pressing the Windows Key + M at the same time. This minimises all the open windows and takes you straight to your desktop.
Are you accepting pain as normal and living with headaches and back pain? At Luck's Yard we take pride in finding out what we can do to make your life more comfortable and pain free.
Several members of the group have used the “Train To Gain” programme as a source of further training and have also used their local “Business link” representatives for continual one-to-one feedback and support
Is fast weight loss Biggest Loser style safe? One of the questions I've been asked frequently since I joined the Biggest Loser team is whether such big weekly weight losses should be encouraged, and are they safe.
... Don't wait for perfection; do it now! Always try and strive for excellence rather than the unachievable. And don’t put things off for the future, so them now! I have learnt this a lot in the last few months and changing my outlook is working wonders.
Why are we so utterly useless at coping - is it because the relatively rare incidence of snow has mean't that it is cheaper to simply be unprepared and suffer a few days of down-time or is it just that we are so utterly disorganised in this country?
Sale discounts on Autumn Winter clothing. New Spring Summer Collections already arriving. Baby Ceylon and NYDJ next week in both Guildford and Godalming shops.
The retail chain Peacocks is to fire 9500 people. Straight forward retailing is no longer enough. What is needed is both on and off line marketing to support your retail business. Email marketing is a powerful way to support your business growth...
New study looking at Chiropractic, eexercise and medication for neck pain.
A simple strap line will remain far more memorable - our strap line at the bestof guildford for example is 'LOCAL & VOCAL' - it's short, simple and pretty well describes what we do .. some humorous strap lines I have spotted recently are ...
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