It's Cool to Compost
7th May 2011
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International Compost Awareness Week (1 May - 7 May) passed me by without me realising, which is a shame. Composting is not something I do now or have done in the past but I would definitely like to learn more about it and start. 


I recently stumbled upon an article where Tina Norman-Ross, Public Services Recycling Officer, was encouraging the islanders of Guernsey to compost more and explained how Guernsey's Public Services Department were taking part in a Compost Awareness Week run by the Waste and Resources Action Programme from 1 - 7 May.  


The purpose of the week was to raise awareness of the benefits of home and business composting and the great results that can be achieved by using peat-free composts containing recycled material.

My initial reaction was how gutted I was to have missed this opportunity to encourage myself and other locals to start composting but then I thought, why should this stop me.  Anytime is surely a good time to start composting.

I believe the percentage of households recycling in Guernsey is increasing all the time but I still hate the thought of burying the rest of our waste in a landfill.  When I was younger I was oblivious to it and didn't think about where our rubbish bins were taken to.  My parents recycled but I don't think they composted and I am not blaming them but I was therefore not brought up to think that way.

I now live in the Vale and am very acutely aware of recycling.  I am a big fan and secretly enjoy my weekly visit to the Mont Cuet recycling site (minus the smell) to de-clutter my kitchen and know that I am helping the environment and our island.  However I know I could do more and composting is certainly on my list so I have set myself the task of starting and hope to encourage others by writing this article.

Composting is simply piling up waste outdoors, waiting a year or more until it is decomposed, then recycling it as a fertiliser and soil amendment.  

Businesses and homes can easily start this simple process by thinking about the everyday items they put in the bin.


Things you can compost include:

Egg shells (dried out)
Vacuum cleaner contents (from natural carpets only)
Raw vegetable peelings
Nail clippings
Clean paper
Leaves / garden trimmings

There are various ways you can compost and Sustainable Guernsey recommend a worm composter on their website which is worth trying.


For more information go to:

Sustainable Guernsey



Don't forget 'It's Cool to Compost'.

About the Author

Nicole Bromley

Member since: 3rd July 2012

I'm Nicole Bromley, Client Relations Manager & Social Media Consultant for thebestof Guernsey & thebest of Jersey.

I live in Guernsey and have experience in client relations, business development, marketing,...

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