U3A - Banstead University of the Third Age
U3A - Banstead University of the Third Age
  • Banstead
    Meeting location may vary
    SM7 3AJ




A University of the Third Age is a learning co-operative of older people, which enables members to share many educational, creative and leisure activities. Activities are organised mainly in small groups that meet regularly, often in each other’s homes. Members, through sharing their knowledge, skills and experience, learn from each other.

The U3A is a national organisation and registered charity. There are over 500 branches throughout the country.

Banstead U3A was founded in 1985. It s objective is to be a university in the original sen

se a community of people sharing interests and enthusiasms. No qualifications are required and none are given. We aim to fulfill a gap by providing accessible and stimulating opportunities for self development at a stage in life when people can expect to have a little more time for expanding their interests.

If you are interested in joining us you will be sure of a warm welcome.

for more information visit


and for local info

U3A Banstead

Social Interaction