Banstead Community Junior School
Banstead Community Junior School
  • Banstead Community Junior School
    The Horseshoe
    Banstead, Surrey
    SM7 2BQ
    SM7 2BQ
Community Junior School for ages 7-11.

Banstead Community Junior School has a reputation for being a successful and friendly school

We are very fortunate to have such wonderful facilities. These include two playgrounds, a large sports field, a swimming pool, pond and wildlife area, a pavilion, trim trail and a Greek garden which we use as an outdoor classroom, and another outdoor classroom in our garden area.

The School is divided into two buildings, housing twelve classrooms, an art room, a music/learning room, a mixed practical room with cooking facilities, a library, ICT Suite and a multi-purpose hall.

Our school aims are:

 To create a secure, happy, caring and supportive community in which the confidence and self-esteem of every member can grow.

 To ensure that the curriculum is broad and balanced and within which every pupil has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

 To ensure pupils become independent in their learning and to develop positive attitudes and values towards others in the school and community. 


Social Interaction