Can Whisky make you beautiful? @LGWhiskyCo reveals all
28th September 2018
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Can Whisky make you beautiful? Gary Milner, director of The Liquid Gold Whisky Co.reveals all.

Whisky has been around for hundreds of years, and so have beauty regimes, so why has it only just come to light that we should be not only drinking Whisky but using the popular beverage to give the appearance of youthful and plump skin? There was a recent article published that actress Gwyneth Paltrow drinks Japanese Whisky whilst in the bath, and this has sparked a question; Can Whisky make you beautiful?

Health benefits of Whisky have been highly documented recently. Reports show that Japanese whisky ‘has been shown to have high levels of the antioxidant ellagic acid’ which in turn ‘helps protect the body against inflammation and cancers.’

A popular way to incorporate Whisky into your beauty regime is through face packs as using Whisky neat or in pure form on your facial skin is a big no-no. You should always mix it with other ingredients including water and honey to get the best results. Why should you include Whisky in the first place; what does it do? Whisky facials or face packs are used to tighten the skin, reduce wrinkles, dry and rough skin and to get glowing skin. Be cautious of over-using Whisky facial packs as the wow factor may reduce as your skin will get used to the introduction of Whisky.

Another great use of using Whisky is to clean all the everyday dirt build up out of your face. As Whisky is alcohol, this means the germs and bacteria are killed with the help of the antiseptic contents in the mask. This helps especially with build-up of blackheads as it will reduce, and some say prevent blackheads from forming.

Many suggest that ‘Whisky can be a great substitute for witch hazel or other astringent alcohols that can be overly drying’, perfect for everyone searching for a different ingredient. Another positive is that you can always enjoy a tipple after your home facial – benefits all round!

Liquid Gold Whisky Co are based in Ashtead, Surrey, and we carry a wide selection of not only Whisky, but all different liqueurs, Gins, Spirts and Wines. You can shop our stock in store and online:



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