Ges Ray - Speaking In Public

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Having to speak in public can often bring fear – but the skills needed to be an effective public speaker can be learned. Speaking in Public run by Ges Ray offer presentation and communication skills programmes to train your staff and build their confidence, allowing them to present your company and its products to a large audience. Serving Epsom & Ewell and the surrounding areas, give them a call.



Public Speaking Coaching, Preparation & Presentation

Presentation & Communication Skills Training

Serving Epsom & Ewell and the surrounding area.

I have a Book - yes a Book: SPEAK PERFORMANCE a must have for your briefcase - with all the fundamental tips you need to get your message across - and also available on Audible



Buy the book here!

You have your speech honed to perfection.

You have prepared well.

You have your presentation aids.

You have practised and practised.

So why, the moment you stand in front of your audience, does your confidence evaporate?

Stage fright? Lack of confidence? Was the content correct? Was the emphasis correct?

“The human brain starts working the moment you are born, and never stops… until you stand up to speak in public”.

These words were spoken by the actor George Jessel – and never a truer statement was made.

Take a look at the attached video - and learn how fear of speaking in public is shared by many people.



New Speak Performance Online workshop is now launching!

Find out more:


This is aimed at those who are looking to deliver triumphant presentations & sessions online, with costs held at stonkingly good value for what is, whilst in launch phase, a twelve-week workshop.




During the 12 weeks you just might encounter one or two of Ges' alter egos....are you ready to be a more confident version of yourself?

You know you'll feel GREAT once you've signed up for this!






Ges Ray - Speaking in Public

Coaching and Presentation Skills

07941 083722

Speaking in Public

Many people have no fear of speaking in a social environment or in small groups – but when a larger audience appears, or they are speaking to strangers – suddenly they lose their voice. Why is this?

Ges Ray - Speaking in Public

Promote your business with effective Speaking in Public

 And not just for business...

It’s not just business people who can benefit from learning public speaking skills.

For many of us the fear of standing up at a social occasion can be daunting.

Perhaps you have to make the famous ‘father of the bride’ or ‘best man’ speech.

Perhaps you would like to take on an important role at your local sports club -  but this will involve speaking in public.

Perhaps you are looking for a change of career which could involve public speaking.

Ges at Speaking in Public could help you too.

Ges Ray - Speaking in Public

Take the fear out of Speaking in Public

For presentation and communication skills coaching and training give Ges at Speaking in Public a call.

07941 083722


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