Why ask quality questions in your marketing makes a difference
3rd May 2022
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I’m frustrated,

One of our colleagues has just had a new kitchen.

They did what most people do.

They made enquiries and spoke to a few different kitchen designers.

The prices varied a lot from company to company.

The one company they decided to go with were far from the cheapest option.

But their service was markedly different from the others – which is what inspired this week’s tip.

You see, what all the other designers and installers did was bombard them with literally everything they had to offer.

They went through all the different surfaces, cabinet door options, lighting options and colour schemes – the list goes on.

And it left our colleague feeling completely lost and overwhelmed.

The final kitchen designer they went to though, gave them a specific time to come and see them - meaning they had dedicated time to talk to them – properly.

They asked about the family, if they had children, what sort of food do they enjoy cooking, whereabouts their eating area was, what colours the rest of the lounge/downstairs was so that it would compliment the house.

Essentially, all they did was ask the customer everything about them and what they wanted out of a kitchen.

They were then able to design a kitchen that mirrored their needs and wants.

And guess what…

They’re the ones that got the sale.

Because they understood the customer.

They wanted a kitchen that matches and compliments their lifestyle and a designer that will get it sorted and installed with minimum fuss and interruption.

And that’s the point of this week’s tip.

Do you bombard your prospects with an overwhelming amount of information that isn’t necessary or of any use to them?

Or do you take the time to understand your customer’s wants and needs and only give them the information that is relevant to them?

Does your website talk about how you can help your target audience and how you can make their lives easier or better?

Or is it all just about you and everything you do?

It’s worth checking because you could be unintentionally pushing people away.

If you’d like a fresh set of eyes on how your business comes across, just drop us a call.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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