Video Marketing in Eastbourne - Tool Tip Descript
17th January 2023
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When it comes to video, you’re probably in one of two camps:

You love doing video - You understand how powerful it can be for the growth of your business and you embrace it.


You’re reluctant to do anything on video, as you either don’t know what you should put on video, or you don’t feel comfortable on camera and aren’t sure where to start (we can help with all of that by the way).

However, whichever camp you’re in, the one part of making videos that most people least look forward to is the editing.

Having to re-watch the footage, taking out every mistake, pause or “filler” words such as “um”, “er”, “like”, ”ya-know” etc.

It’s time-consuming and really not very exciting.

Well, good news!

There’s a tool on the market (that not many other businesses know about 😉) that can save you hours of work as well as transcribing the audio for captions and create written content!

It’s called Descript.

Descript is a new kind of video editor that’s as easy as editing a Word doc.

Descript’s AI-powered features and intuitive interface fuel YouTube and TikTok channels, top podcasts, and businesses using video for marketing, sales, and internal training and collaboration.

It takes video and/or audio that you’ve got on file, or you can record fresh audio or screen recording through its own built-in recorder or App, and it’ll crawl the video in minutes, (or even seconds), and take out all the non-relevant “filler” words and restitch the video together so there’s no loss of flow.

Amazing! It’s so easy, even a Granny or Grandad that’s never used a computer before could do it.

It even has a free membership option for up to 1 hour of video per month – so if your videos are around 3 minutes in length, then that’s 20 videos a month you can get edited and transcribed for free!

So have a look and let’s start harnessing the power of video!

And if you need some content ideas for your videos, just give us a shout.


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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