Things to remember when marketing to your database
8th July 2022
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In a recent discussion with an accountant, something came to light that we thought you should know about - so you don’t make the same mistake.

The accountant in question is very good.

They help their customers a lot.

They know their stuff.

And they get great reviews.

They now want to grow the business and get more customers.

So they’ve been marketing more than normal - trying to get more business owners to take up one of their packages.

But they’re not getting the numbers they want.

So they were asked how often they communicate with their list and what kind of stuff they send.

The reasons behind the low number of sales soon became clear.

They were communicating with their audience a lot – which is good.

But the messages they were sending were ALL sales orientated.

Everything they were sending to their audience was asking them to buy stuff or to call up to find out more about one of their packages or services.

It’s too much and it turned their audience off.

What they should be doing is continue to communicate regularly - but with things that are helpful, useful, interesting and relevant.

Not asking for a sale EVERY time.

That way, they’ll build their credibility, usefulness and trust with their audience, so when the time comes to try and bring in some new customers, the audience is more likely to show interest, as they feel engaged and more connected with the accountants.

So, have a look at the communications you’re sending out – are they all trying to push a sale or transaction?

Or are you being the helpful and informative ‘go-to’ person in your industry that people will turn to when they are ready to buy?


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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