Mastering Mobility: Proper Use of Walking Aids
23rd October 2023
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Walking sticks, canes, and crutches are commonly used mobility aids, but many people don't use them correctly, leading to inadequate support or discomfort. To ensure you make the most of these aids, we have compiled a guide addressing common mistakes.
1. Adjusting the Height of the Cane or Crutch: The handle's height is crucial to maintain proper posture and weight distribution. If it's too low, it can cause stooping and back or hip pain. Conversely, if it's too high, it may lead to hunched shoulders, resulting in neck or collarbone pain and uneven pressure on joints.

Correct Height for a Cane or Walking Stick: Position the handle just below your wrist bone, allowing you to stand upright with a slightly bent arm. If the cane has pre-set notches, choose the one closest to this height. Wear your regular daily shoes when setting the height.

Correct Height for a Crutch: The ideal height varies with the type of crutch:

  • Underarm crutches and vertically cuffed crutches: Set the hand grip at the height of your wrist bone, similar to a cane.
  • Cuffed forearm crutches: Adjust the height so your shoulders aren't hunched, and you can push off firmly.
2. Proper Walking Technique with Your Walking Aid: Using a walking stick, cane, or crutch involves more than just leaning on the handle. Employing the correct technique allows you to shift weight away from the weaker or injured leg and distribute it through the aid.
  • Walking with a Cane or Walking Stick: Hold the cane on the side of your good leg, irrespective of your dominant hand. This position facilitates alternating hand and leg movements while walking. If you have equal strength in both legs and only need the aid for balance, keep your dominant hand free for everyday tasks.
  • Walking with Crutches: When using a pair of crutches, push off with both crutches and land on your strong leg. As you heal, you may gradually increase the use of your injured leg under your doctor's guidance. If you opt to use only one crutch, treat it like a cane by alternating hands and legs.
3. Choosing the Right Grip: Having a comfortable grip is essential for effective use of a cane or crutch.
For Crutches: Select the appropriate type based on your injury:
  • Forearm crutches: Suitable for arm cast or wrist problems.
  • Underarm or cuffed crutches: Ideal for lower body injuries.

For Walking Sticks and Canes: Choose a handle that suits your needs:

  • Standard handle with a curved section for the ball of your hand, suitable for those with a strong grip and minimal pain.
  • Specialized arthritis cane handle: Recommended for individuals with arthritis or grip-related difficulties, or those who frequently put a lot of weight on the stick.
By following these simple tips and selecting the right walking aid, you can use it trouble-free and enjoy its full benefits.
About the Author

Martlet Mobility Services

Member since: 30th June 2023

We are a small mobility business that has a passion for keeping you mobile and independent.

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