How to Rekindle Conversations with Prospects: The Alligator Email
10th October 2023
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It’s fair to say that the last few months have been difficult for the majority of business owners up and down the country. 
However, there’s some positivity to be taken as people still have an appetite to buy and spend, especially at this time of year. In this week’s tip below, the timing of sending this email out to your list of people that have enquired in the past, but communication has dropped off, is just right.
It will restart those all-important conversations.
It’s quick and easy to read.
It’ll put a smile on their face. 
And you don’t even have to be a great copywriter to get it done (as we’ve written it for you).
It’ll generate enquiries, phone calls and even sales with very little effort and tremendous speed!
You see, people will have been thinking about your services before and during Covid (hence their initial enquiry), but lockdown either meant they couldn’t come and buy from you until now, or other things became top priority and your services got put on the backburner. 
But now, people are more able to buying again through home visits (trade businesses), delivery or click and collect, and quite a few of these people are on your list and still in need of your services.
So if you’ve got prospects where your communication’s dropped off, we’ve got a simple way to give them a little nudge and help rekindle the conversation.
But what has an “Alligator” got to do with anything? 
Well, read on and all will become clear - Here’s the email: 

SUBJECT:  Alligator!
Hi xxxx
My team and I have attempted to reach you multiple times around the <<type of service/product you provide>>, but have had no success.
Either you've been eaten by alligators or you’re just plain swamped.
If you have been eaten by alligators, my deepest sympathy goes out to your family members.
If you’re still alive, one of the following is more likely to have happened.
I hate to keep pestering you, but I'm keen to have a chat with you.
Please pick one response and let me know what our next step should be.
a) Yes, I’ve been eaten by alligators. Please send flowers.
b) No, I haven’t been eaten by alligators, but you may wish I had been, because I have decided I have no interest in the [insert service/product you provide] and any service you may have surrounding this. Sorry, you’re sunk. (Thanks for your frank honesty. I can handle it.)
c) Yes, we have some interest in [insert service/product you provide] but here are my challenges... Call me so we can discuss them further.
d) Yes, we have some interest. Let’s get together. Call me to set a time for us to meet.
e) Other:
Please reply and let me know if you're an A, B, C, D or E!
See ya later!

Leave the temptation for a PS, social media links etc at the door. Do not over complicate this.
Keep. It. Simple.
Just fill in the blanks and send.
It doesn't matter how long ago you last heard from them, you'll be amazed at the response it can bring.
You'll also get some sales. Some new enquiries. And some very useful feedback if nothing else.
As always, give us a shout if you need any help.

About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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