Customer Communication - What Next? WhatsApp for Business
10th January 2023
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A few weeks back (Top Tip No: 158), we wrote about the effectiveness WhatsApp for Business can have, when used to engage with leads and enquiries.

However, it’s only going to be really useful if you know what to do next.

A lot of businesses who started using WhatsApp have been really pleased with how easy it is to engage with people. But some of them are struggling to convert these enquiries into customers.

And it’s all down to what they’re NOT doing.

It’s great that communication is started with an initial “Thanks for your enquiry” type message and some initial info - but the next step (that’s often missed) is to follow up with the prospect and make them feel special.

And not enough businesses are doing it. They assume the customer will re-initiate the conversation.

A simple follow up message letting them know you’ll send them something useful via email,

or directing them to your FAQ section of your website (with the link to it) to help with any further questions they may have.

You could even book an appointment/consultation/discovery call – it could really help move people closer to the sale.

So don’t assume your customers will do everything you want them to do.

Follow up.

Help them out.

Ask questions.

Become their “go-to guy or gal” in your industry.

And if you need some help with the sort of things to follow up with, just give us a call at 01323 406060 or better still add me on WhatsApp!


About the Author

David Ruddle

Member since: 10th July 2012

At the helm of thebestof Eastbourne, I actively champion local businesses and rally support for good causes, fostering engagement and collaboration for a thriving community.

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