Benefits of a 0800 Freephone number from Telecom Direct
10th September 2014
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0800 numbers are a powerful marketing tool. More than 90% of the UKpopulation know that they can call these numbers for free without the worry of any hidden charges. (Source: HenleyCentre research).

Can I choose a number I like?

By picking from a range of 0800 numbers available, you get to decide on the number that will best fit your Business. For example; you’re a Pet shop owner looking for a number that people will associate with your Business. Well this is easy with a 0800 number, you pick 0800 xxxx 738 otherwise known as 0800 xxxx PET. This can then be easily used on any tv, radio, Internet or paper adverts and marketing campaigns.

Keeping your marketing message consistent

A 0800 number is a Non-geographic number, what this means is that it is a virtual number that simply floats on your existing landline or mobile number. If you were to move premises this number can simply be floated onto your new number without the hassle of having to change all your marketing and advertising, which can be a costly and time absorbing exercise.

Appeal to a larger audience with an 0800 number

As 0800 numbers are non-geographic this means you are not restricted by your local are and can advertise nationwide, reaching far more potential new customers.

Does you Customer Service number show you care?

Statics have shown that people felt that Companies using a Freephone number cared more about their customers. Setting yourself out from your competitors by providing a Freephone number, who would you rather call?

Track call volumes and trends with ease

You can easily monitor the volume and quality of inbound calls from your different marketing campaigns using caller software. Don’t waste money and time on ineffective marketing.

We hope that his has provided you with a bit more information on the benefit of 0800 numbers. If you have any further questions or would just like to speak to someone at Telecom direct then please call us on 0800 090 1552 and we will be happy to take your call.

About the Author

Telecom Direct

Member since: 2nd September 2014

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