7 Tips for Choosing a Career
1st March 2019
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 1. Knowing Your Work Style

The work style you have is going to have a big impact on your success in certain careers.

For example, if you are the type of person who likes procrastinating, then it is a good idea to go for a career where you are going to report directly to another person instead of choosing one where you are left to do the work with no supervision.

For career advice and direction visit Orion.

Think back to some of the jobs you had in the past.

Which of those jobs did you find yourself excelling in and which one did you struggle with? Did you like when you were working independently and you were the one setting your own schedule or did you like it when there was a supervisor there to keep you accountable?


There are many other factors that will have an effect on your performance. But your work style will play a very big role.


2. Identifying Your Skills

You will notice every career has its own skill set. Teachers need good communication skills to communicate with parents and students, and sales managers need leadership skills.


You should take some time when it comes to figuring what you are good at. Write down every skill and talent you have, even if it is not going to help you get a job.


When you know the skills you have – even the ones you think are not marketable – can help you in finding a career you are going to be good at and you will enjoy.


If you are good at playing video games, it seems unimportant because it is not marketable. You need to dig in a little deeper.


When it comes to the issues of playing games, what is it you are good at? Decision making? Creative problem-solving?

These skills can be applied to different careers.


3. Determining Your Goals

What is it that you are looking to get out of a career?

Do you want to travel? Do you want to help people? How much money do you want to make?

If you choose a career that is not aligning with your long-term goal, then there is a good chance you will not be satisfied with it.


Your goals are going to change with time, and the things you considered to be the most important to you become less so. It is still important to know what it is you want so you can work hard towards it.


4. Understanding Your Values

One of the most important tips when it comes to choosing a career is what you value in a job.

Are you the type of person who enjoys working independently, or do you prefer to have social interactions when working?

Do you find it important to spend enough time with family for a given number of hours each day? Or do you prefer to work on an unpredictable schedule with overtime?


Take your time and answer these questions so you can avoid careers that are not matching with your values, and choose those that do.


5. Doing the math

You will need to sit down and do a little math about the time and money you will need to reach where you want to.

What education will you need for your career to come true? Are you ready to invest the time and money needed to achieve this?


6. Always remembering things can change

You will find there are many lists of “Best Careers” out there that tell you to take certain careers because you are going to make a given amount of money when you get a job in that field.


But you need to keep in mind that there is no way you can totally have job security and stability guaranteed. The job might be in high demand today, but you don’t know how it will be ten years to come.


This doesn’t mean you should not consider predictions about the outlook of a certain job. But you should never make the mistake of choosing a career because you read it on some list.


Things can easily change, and what was at the top of the list might end up no making into any lit a couple of years from now.


7. Talking to people who work in the field

It is a good idea to talk with someone in the filed you are interested in. If you are able to meet more than one person, the better for you.


Having a 15-minute interview with such a person will give you the information needed to know about the career.

Ask them the pros and cons of that career, and if they would choose the same route if they were to go back in time. You should ask the skills they have found to be the most beneficial.


You can gain a lot from job shadowing.

Consider following the person a day so you can have a rough picture of how your future will look like. You will be able to determine whether you want that type of career. If you find yourself liking it, then this solidifies your decision.

About the Author

Mandy Bular

Member since: 30th January 2018

Mandy Bular is a freelance content writer. She has written many good and informative articles on different categories such as technology, health, fashion, education, career, travel etc. She is a featured...

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