Double your sales whilst slashing your advertising spend
6th September 2011
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Chris Olchawski of Tutsan Associates is also your local Business Growth Advisor for the Entrepreneurs Circle.  In this economic climate we are all looking at ways in which to actively market ourselves without costing a fortune.  This is what Chris is offering:

To become successful you have to sell more stuff (even if its yourself).  Chances are, (although many business owners never focus on this) you will be able to get more business from your existing client base but to become SUPER successful you have to combine this with finding and convincing more people that you haven’t met before that they should dip their hand in their pocket and give their hard earned cash to you and not someone else.

  • But to do all this you have to put your own hand in your own pocket and spend a fortune on advertising....Its the only way, right?
  • But what if it really was possible to double your sales whilst spending less money on advertising and marketing?

At this Month’s workshop Chris will be looking at key things that all business owners can do but most don’t do to make their selling easier...and cheaper.  The workshop will share the sales secrets of  how Nigel Botterill has built no less than 8 multi-million pound businesses without breaking the bank on marketing and advertising.

Come and join Chris and other business owners at one of the locations near you where he will be sharing Nigel's “budget slashing” secrets, and finding out what he employs in his business that you can do as well to;

Doubling your sales whilst slashing your advertising spend.

Book now by registering on line here, or email or call direct on 01550 739 053

Workshops throughout September in Lampeter on 7th; Carmarthen on 14th; Llanelli   on 20th and in Haverfordwest on 28th September


About the Author

Diana V

Member since: 10th July 2012

I am Diana Vickers, the site owner of thebestof Carmarthenshire. This was launched in Carmarthen town in June 2008, to support the very best of the area’s businesses with their promotions and marketing....

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