Over Eleven Thousand Signatures To Persuade KCC To Let Sixth Formers Buy Freedom Bus Passes
27th June 2011
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An online petition to let sixth-form students in on the Freedom bus pass scheme has nearly reached its goal of 12,000 signatures before the 7th July 2011.

The Freedom bus pass scheme currently allows 11 to 16 year olds buy a one-off ticket for £100 a year, however 17 to 20 year olds are left out, a fact they see as unfair.


The petition description reads:


"Teens in Kent should not be treated any differently in terms of bus travel.”


"There are a limited number of part-time jobs available for students in Kent, therefore making it extremely difficult for students to pay for their bus travel.”


"It is becoming increasingly difficult to pay as the bus fares continue to rise. Driving is not a choice as insurance for teenagers is at an extortionate price, and that's all before the price of petrol and so on."


With the petition due to end on the 7th July, the target of 12,000 signatures will force the KCC into a debate on the issue.


The number when I last checked was at 11731, so if you agree that sixth-formers have just as much right to cheap travel to get to and from colleges/school, especially in these expensive times, please visit www.kent.gov.uk and go to the e-petitions section to add your name. There’s not much time left!

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