Demystifying Solar Panels with Berry Electrical: What Are They and How Do They Work?
26th September 2023
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Are you curious about those shiny panels on rooftops that seem to magically generate electricity from the sun? Well, you're not alone! Solar panels are a fascinating and eco-friendly way to power our homes, and Berry Electrical is here to shed some light on these solar wonders.

Let's Get Back to Basics: What Are Solar Panels?

Solar panels, also known as solar electric panels, are like Mother Nature's power plants. Imagine them as a bunch of tiny energy producers, lined up and ready to catch some rays. These panels are made up of special cells that love soaking up sunlight. When the sun's rays hit them, something magical happens - they turn sunshine into electricity!

How Do They Work? It's Simpler Than You Think!

Solar panels work by using the power of photons. No need to break out your science textbook – photons are tiny particles of light. When sunlight hits the solar panel, these photons get all excited and start jumping around like they're at a party.

When they jump around, they knock some electrons loose. Think of electrons as the workers at the electricity factory. When they get bumped by excited photons, they start moving, creating an electric current. And voilà, you've got electricity flowing!


Direct Current (DC) vs. Alternating Current (AC)

The electricity produced by solar panels is called direct current (DC). It's like a one-way street, and it's what the panels generate.

But guess what? Most of our appliances and devices in our homes, like your TV or refrigerator, run on alternating current (AC). It's like a two-way street, where the electricity switches directions, which is what our homes need.

So, to make that solar electricity usable in your home, Berry Electrical installs something called an inverter. Think of it as the magic converter box. It takes the DC electricity from the panels and transforms it into AC electricity, ready to power your TV for that Netflix binge.

What Can You Do with Solar Electricity?

Well, pretty much anything you'd do with regular electricity! You can light up your home, keep your gadgets charged, run your appliances, and even send extra electricity back to the grid if you're producing more than you need. That's a win-win for your wallet and the planet!


The Bright Side: Solar Savings

Here's the cherry on top: From April 2022 to 2027, homeowners pay a big, fat 0% VAT on energy-saving materials like solar panels. Yep – zero VAT! This new rate applies to all eco-friendly home improvement products, making it the perfect time to go solar.

Thanks to the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG), you not only save on your energy bills but also get paid for any extra electricity you don't use. It's like getting rewarded for being eco-conscious.

Ready to Shine Bright with Solar Panels?

And there you have it – solar panels, explained in a way that won't make your head spin.

If your curious or want to learn more about solar panels – contact Berry Electrical and they will be happy to answer any questions!   Click here to contact Berry Electrical.

About the Author

Faz Patel

Member since: 10th July 2012

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