A Year's A Long Time In Politics...
8th November 2010
... Comments

D'you know, it's been a little over a year since I started writing for thebestof Bromley's blog, during which time I've covered many local events, charitable issues, business 'propaganda', entertainment, local issues, and much much more.

There's been a lot going on in Bromley throughout 2010, some radical changes, and some interesting developments, not least for many businesses in the Bromley area.

As 2010 draws to a close, and we beckon the new year in, I will be embarking on a new chapter with a new baby - so will sadly no longer be writing for thebestof Bromley's blog (probably more sad for me than you, I'm not that presumptuous!)

thebestof Bromley has for years now been championing the very best and all that's good about working and living in Bromley, and local businesses continue to benefit.

Bromley has an extremely diverse and cosmopolitan culture, and in recent years has strived to recapture it's former great reputation as a retail and commercial centre. This is not least in part to businesses like thebestof Bromley, but also the tenacity of local business owners and managers - and the continued support of local residents themselves.

The economy has been unstable to say the least in recent years, and frankly I'm amazed that so many businesses have survived it. But survive it they have, and will continue to do so in the future.

Bromley is a fantastic place to live and work, and with hard work and a Shop Locally attitude, we can all help it continue to grow for the future.



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TheBestOfBromley Blog - what's on and what's gone

Kim Frances is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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