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Venues in North Laine

Find the best Venues in North Laine as recommended by local North Laine people in thebestof North Laine's Venues directory.
Venues in North Laine
Brighthelm Centre
Brighthelm Centre in Brighton has facilities for conferences, meetings and performances, all located just a few minutes away from the busy city centre. With various capacities from 10 to 240 people, Brighthelm Centre could be the perfect venue for your needs, with a variety of rooms, a hall, an auditorium and the cafe all available to hire. For prices, check out http://www.brighthelm.org.uk/venue-hire.
Gary G said
Brighthelm Cafe has the best coffee in town (sorry City), the food is fresh and really tasty.
The venue is really interesting and has some fantastic performances and meetings there.
And you can move in as well, your business I mean with really good quality and spacious offices with great facilities.
Source: thebestof.co.uk
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Bright Now Café - The Brighthelm Centre
Brighthelm Centre
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