Bolton Lads & Girls Club Looking For Donations & Volunteers For The Relaunch Of Their Charity Shop
7th January 2013
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The Bolton Lads & Girls Club is renowned throughout the UK, not only for providing a fantastic service, but also for their inspired and unique fundraising efforts. In addition to the firewalks and the mountain climbs is the BLGC Charity Shop, and it needs your help.

The shop is currently being revamped and renewed, all with the intention of being relaunched as soon as possible. Before that can happen, however, the Club need your help.

Over the next few months, BLGC will be launching appeals, asking for help with the donation of specific items. They will gratefully receive anything you have to offer, and will also be looking for items in certain categories, including furniture, sporting equipment, musical instruments and camping equipment.

But they also need something less tangible, yet perhaps more important, and that is your time and effort. Bolton Lads & Girls Club are looking for volunteers to get involved with the running of the shop and to become part of the dedicated team. There are vacancies for window dressers, for people who like to iron, people who enjoy sorting, and people who want to serve the town.

So, if you can spare a few hours a week, want to become part of a fantastic organisation, and also give back to a great cause that serves the local area, get in touch with them soon on (01204) 540100.

Bolton Lads & Girls Club is the biggest youth centre in the UK and offers a wide range of services from it's state of the art premises in the heart of the town. The club is a registered charity and welcomes young people aged 8-21.

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